J.G. Carlin & Co. have almost 40 years of experience in the accounting and finance industries. Below are a list of our financial services.
Accounting Services
We provide a comprehensive accounts building service to audited and non-audited entities ranging from sole traders, partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures and audit exempt companies
The majority of companies in Ireland are below the statutory audit threshold and therefore are not compelled to get an audit report for their statutory accounts. However, apart from large companies who exceed the thresholds and companies limited by guarantee, medium and smaller companies may also choose to get an audit, whether it be for peace of mind, a requirement of the bank, for a creditor or another stakeholder.
See more about our Audit services
We can provide cloud-based accountancy packages which allow you to instantly access accounts, from whatever device they happen to be on, 24/7. Our cloud service enables real time access and easy collaboration. So, for example, you or your staff could enter the invoice information into the system and we can then review this, reconcile your bank account and prepare the VAT return and accounts.
Learn more about Bookkeeping services
We can help you with VAT Cash Flow management, Revenue VAT audits, strategies to ensure maximum VAT recovery for exempt or partially exempt bodies, VAT on all property transactions including leases, VAT on imports/exports of goods or services, reclaiming VAT on UK VAT suffered and general VAT on cross border activities.
View details on our VAT Service
We provide a comprehensive range of payroll services, including start-up, managed and outsourced payroll, all tailored to your needs and budget.
Learn more about our Payroll Services
Company Secretarial
We can form a company for you, register your business name, prepare and submit your annual returns, abridged accounts and all your company secretarial documents to the CRO, prepare minutes of board meetings, advise you on the issue and transfer of shares, change your company name, handle changes of directors and/or company secretary along with a host of other services.
View all accounting services
Tax Services
Tax Compliance
Over almost 40 years in practice, we have gained immeasurable experience in all tax heads, including capital gains, inheritance/gift tax, personal taxes and corporation tax. We can help you meet all regulatory requirements, complete your returns in the most tax efficient manner and file them for you.
Learn more about our tax compliance services
Tax Planning
Our goal as tax advisors is to work closely with you to make sure that you pay the least amount of tax within the law. We will help to minimise your tax bill and to maximise your tax reliefs and allowances.
Learn more about our Tax services
Funding & Grants
Corporate Finance
We have extensive experience in these areas and can help you with acquisitions and disposals, company sale/exit strategies, management buyout/buy ins, due diligence, raising finance, equity finance, restructuring, business valuations, debt restructuring, project appraisals and business planning.
Grants and New Businesses
We can help you with forming your own company and advise you on the best approach to seeking grant funding, including the development of a sound and attractive business plan.
Learn more about funding and grants
Personal Finance
Wealth Management
Property Investment
Our services include researching available properties with a view to finding good value for money opportunities which match your needs and resources, travelling to the sites in question to inspect them and travelling to auctions to bid on the properties on your behalf.
Inheritance and Succession Planning
We can create an up to date statement of affairs for you, which can then be used in the drafting of a will in line with your desires. We can also help in drafting a will which ensures that your assets are distributed in as tax efficient a manner as possible, fully utilising any available tax reliefs and credits.
Learn more about our personal finance services